ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
The Sun shifts into Taurus. The existential blowtorch is off you. Soothe your nerves and relax. This might take a little while. The stakes have been high for some time. The more you relax, the more life will flow. Annoying practical matters are less likely to get the better of you. Calm down.

TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)
The Sun is now in Taurus. This is your time of the year. Mars makes his exit at the exact same time that the Sun comes in. You won’t be so hyped up and prone to go into over-drive as you perhaps may have been over the last few weeks. Rather, step into a healthy mode of quiet confidence.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
Mars has just entered Gemini. This gives you energy to burn. When your mind is functioning at it’s optimum, your ability to discern exactly what is going on, functions with pin-point accuracy. When too much fire is added to this ability, your prickliness can surface. Be aware of this.

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
The Moon is in fellow water sign, Pisces. This gives you access to deep reflective states. The Sun has left adrenaline-pumping Aries and moved into the gently ambling terrain of Taurus. It is time to cool your heels. Immerse yourself in each and every relaxing moment you are gifted.

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)
As the Sun moves into earthy Taurus, so some of the shine comes off your coat. At the same time, you feel the urge to lounge around, as your aristocratic nature would have it. This is an important time to slip into a familial zone. Seek the comfort you need from those you regard as kith and kin.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)
Knowing you are on the right track is very important to you. With the North Node of the Moon in Virgo, this interest could easily verge on obsession. Remember you are at your best when you trust yourself to be relaxed and natural. Know what’s true for you. Stay close to those who care.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23)
Jupiter is almost exactly in the middle of his passage through your sign. His job is to broaden your horizons. Watch the myriad ways you resist the very expansion you crave. This awareness will eventually dissolve your resistance, like water erodes a rock. Give credence to your intuition.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21)
The universe keeps giving you the opportunity to bide your time. This is a week for focussing on your most precious relationships. If there have been ruptures, do what you need to do to heal them. If you are sailing along beautifully, melt into the gorgeousness of it all. Take responsibility.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
The fireworks of Aries are over for the year. The Sun has moved into the much more slow moving Taurus. Your gallop will soon turn into a canter. Venus and Chiron, in Pisces, continue to insist that the whole question of existential significance and meaning doesn’t fall off your radar.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Watch for the habit of fighting battles that are over. There is no point in adding fuel to a fire that has done it’s bit and gone out. The last thing you need is to turn into Don Quixote, tilting at windmills. Those heady days, where battle mentality was appropriate, are done and dusted.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
Much has been learned over the last month or so. This has been a time for crystallising your journey into self-reliance and personal resilience. Do you have a greater sense of your competencies than you did a year ago? Our real talents grow silently and unseen. Your skills have gotten stronger.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
The Moon begins her week in Pisces. Add that to the Sun’s shift into Taurus and you can bet that there is room for the knots of tension that have been building up, to find time to relax and let go. There’s still a lot going on in your life, but there is less of a tendency to push the river.

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